Favoritism by a Colleauge | Free CV Templates for Microsoft Word to Download

  1. Unequal Opportunities: The favored colleague consistently receives better opportunities such as high-profile projects, trainings, or client assignments compared to others.
  2. Special Treatment: They often receive special treatment, such as leniency in deadlines or rules, which other team members do not enjoy.
  3. Promotions and Advancements: Despite similar or even superior qualifications, the favored colleague seems to be promoted or advanced more rapidly within the organization.
  4. Personal Connections: There’s a noticeable closeness between the favored colleague and the manager, indicating that personal relationships might be influencing professional decisions.
  5. Exclusion of Others: The favored colleague may be involved in decision-making processes where others are excluded, leading to a lack of transparency and fairness.
  6. Information Privileges: They seem to have access to insider information or updates about the company or team that others are not privy to.
  7. Credit for Collective Work: The favored colleague tends to receive disproportionate credit for team achievements, while the contributions of others are downplayed or ignored.
  8. Easier Workload: They consistently have a lighter workload or are assigned tasks that are less challenging compared to others in the team.
  9. Public Recognition: They receive public recognition or praise from higher-ups more frequently, while others’ accomplishments are overlooked or undervalued.
  10. Influence Over Decisions: Their opinions or suggestions carry more weight in team meetings or discussions, influencing decisions in their favor even when others present valid arguments.
  11. Unfair Criticism: Other team members may find themselves disproportionately criticized for mistakes or shortcomings, while the favored colleague’s errors are overlooked or minimized.
  12. Privileged Access: They may have access to resources or tools that others in the team don’t, giving them an unfair advantage in completing tasks or projects.
  13. Preferred Collaborations: They are consistently chosen as preferred partners for collaborations or joint projects, limiting opportunities for others to collaborate and grow professionally.
  14. Clique Formation: The favored colleague might form a clique within the team, excluding others and creating an environment of exclusion and divisiveness.
  15. Salary Discrepancies: There may be noticeable salary discrepancies where the favored colleague earns more for similar or lesser roles compared to others in the team.
  16. Microaggressions: Other team members might experience microaggressions or subtle forms of discrimination, while the favored colleague enjoys a supportive and encouraging environment.
  17. Unjustified Rewards: They may receive rewards or bonuses without clear justification, leaving others feeling demotivated and undervalued.
  18. Lack of Accountability: The favored colleague may escape accountability for their actions or mistakes, with others bearing the consequences instead.
  19. Team Morale Impact: Favoritism can significantly impact team morale, leading to resentment, disengagement, and decreased productivity among other team members.
  20. Negative Organizational Culture: A culture of favoritism can permeate the entire organization, eroding trust, loyalty, and overall employee satisfaction.